Miss -Calculation
Well I am a little perturbed at the moment i thought i had 4 weeks to go. I just checked how many injections I had left and there are 6 thats 6 more weeks not 4. I rang my doctor and hes not there I tried to work it out with the nurse but she seems to think I have missed 2 and that cant be the case i have been diligent with my meds a few mishaps with tablets twice a day but i haven't missed a needle as much as I wanted to believe me. So I don't know guys, looks like i have 6 more injections to go, not happy but its okay whats another two weeks in the big scheme of things.
I had my injection yesterday I am tired and have a headache but otherwise feeling okay. This cough is a little persistent but i am not complaining about that its just a wintery thing and with my white cell count so low I am grateful for not being on antibiotics. i spoke to my darling friend Beck today the first time since little Joshua was born and hearing him gurgle in the back ground made me feel all warm and fuzzy, they are just the perfect little family and Joshua is one lucky little man.
Its getting really hot, now I love summer but I'm just too tired to go out and enjoy the warmth of the sun. We had a lot of rain over the last few weeks, so the mozzies are on the hunt and they love me, worst luck but the joys of summer in Australia are mozzies and flies, spiders and mice. Our snakes are on the move in summer but I like snakes and spiders, really i do.The spiders eat mozzies and the snakes eat the mice its a natural cycle. See there very handy and I kinda like em. Strange for a girl I know but i always have. LOL
Cockroaches on the other hand make my skin crawl they make me scream and do a rain dance i have been reduced to tears by cockies but snakes and spiders i usually put them in a safe spot away from Ben and his thongs.
Quote "I don't do spiders or snakes" he is a princess like that ;)
Now I haven't a lot to say these days i am very bland and just biding my time the counteractive drugs numb me a little and its still hard to find things to say but i am trying to post every few days just to stay in touch.Kyle likes Spiders aswell this is one he took outside last night.
Peace and health To All XXXX
That looks just like the bastard I flicked out of my eye the other night. Geez, I didn't think I hit it THAT hard....lol. I thought it was only in the next suburb. You are one weird sheila for liking spiders and snakes Shaz but I love ya anyway.
Bugger, I thought you only had 3 weeks to go. Now I will have to reschedule the party. Oh well, we'll have a practice run in 3 weeks anyway, ok?
hate spiders!!!!!!!! thanks mate now i will be lookingall over my apt to make sure no spiders are hiding LOL snakes are ok well Im with isabella bugger about the shots but joy joy joy you will soon be done!! if you ever come across a sail to australia freecard send it to me will ya shaz??? take good care sweet one!!!
So, the injections will be done by mid November? It must've been a blow to hear you had two more weeks, but it will all be completed with lots of time to enjoy your summer and the Christmas season.
As for the spiders and snakes.....keep em! They completely and utterly gross me out.
Oh goodness, I am so sorry that you received this not good surprise, but you are right...two weeks is a small amount of time in the scheme of things...and you are almost there you strong and beautiful lady!!! xoxox
You're still on the home stretch babe. Chin up!!!!! Sending you love, xx, deb
4 or 6 it doesnt really mmatter, its almost over and you have been a trooper so this is a piece of cake.
I really don't like spiders or snakes, but the flies really bugged me when we visited my parents in law in Perth a few years ago..it was unbelievable...!
so an extra 14 days...you'll get there ... and then we'll all be celebrating with you, xx
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