Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Okay when is rude rude?????

How does one define rudeness?

I know we all our special friends or family, you know the ones the tactless ones (whom we accept and adore) the ones who open their mouths with total disregard to any body else’s feelings what so ever.

Anywhoooo I was laying on my mattress on the floor, which has I hate to admit, has taken up permanent residence on my lounge room floor.

When the phone rang, which is always a dilemma who’s it going to be?
Do I really want to pretend I am OK just to make my friends and family feel better and not worry?
Do I really want to get it if it is not for me?
Ben's asleep he is on midnights so there is only the answering machine and me.
What if it is someone I really do not want to talk to?
(I do not know whom, smile) but ya know when you just do not want to talk.
What if it is important and I don’t make it in time.
Oh shit….. Answering machine or me? it is a battle in my brain I am telling you.

Okay I answer the phone by falling off the mattress tripping to the phone because I thought so long about whether to answer it or no, I had to hurry.(yes I did it gracefully, NOT)

So I answer putting on my cool voice my healthy trying to hide my pain voice and say Hell?

I mean "Hello"
The voice on the other end promptly proceeds to inform me that she is not going to sell me anything(good cause I am broke Honey) she wont take up to much of my time and if I don’t mind BLAH BLAH BLAH I’m thinking to myself by now shit I knew I shouldn’t of answered the damn phone smiling through gritted teeth, oh okay so this is a survey yeah?

(so kicking myself right now)
Yes, it is and it will be of great benefit and interest to your community, okay she is still babbling, doing her job I know but please its dinnertime
( but if its that important I will listen a little longer) She doesn’t know if I have 3 month old quads screaming for breast milk when there’s only two titties to go round, she’s not to know that this could be a really bad time because I have just flushed the last remaining friend of our gold fish family down the loo, or it could just be I didn’t for the love of god want to get up and answer the damn phone.
So I patiently listen.
She has not drawn breath I am sure because she has a timer to see how long it takes her to be hung up on at each cold call and shes in competition with the 600 people squashed in to their cubicles beside her.

I usually do the damn things everyone has to make a living and I am usually to polite to say no.

But………..I am sorry so not in the mood for a ten-minute quiz unless it really is worth it(fair, No?) So I ask excuse me what is the survey about?
Simple question she has already stated that it is of benefit and concern to me so I figured it a completely reasonable request seeing she rang ME.
Oh No it wasn’t, apparently she wanted to do it first then tell me WHY?
Who knows, she started to argue with me as I tried to explain I really did not feel like doing something I didn’t want to do right now especially if I don't know why.
Well you can’t know!! BUTTT

Okay I really don't want to do it.
She was getting really narky by now and she proceeded to tell me its my loss it was important and it was about rain, Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Yes you got it she hung up on me, I can not believe this woman she disturbed me I answered tried to be polite and I think I was for all intense and purpose but she hung up on me, me, over apparently rain.
I am a little perturbed and flabagasted, no don't let her get to you, then I laughed and then I really laughed. Then I thought about it again.
After all that she had the gall to hang up on me shit I am pissed, she got to me........ she really got to me. I think shes rude.
WHY? Because I thought of my mate and her F for F they always crack me up.
She is not a cold caller or telemarketer of sorts but she does do her job on the phone and she has some real idiots calling her rude assholes hassling her and she puts up with them politely, stating facts so here’s my post dedicated to her I am still not sure who was in the wrong or who was rude maybe you can tell me.

Health and Peace Friends xxx


At 12:31 am , Blogger poet said...

thank you for the notes :) hugs. good talking with you last night. hope that you are keeping cool and feeling alright.

yes telemarketing is even worse head set hell than i am in. i must say, however, that cold calling is the absolute worst job EVARRR. i mean, i did it, for nearly a year, and i hates every single call. oh there were times when it wasn't that bad, but for the most part, it was awful.

the agent who called you was completely in the wrong, and should have gotten written up for the way she handled that call to you. i don't know what the rules are there, but here, the agent is supposed to rebut the customer three times. that is to overcome objeciton and show the customer that they NEED to listen to the agent. it is a bunch of hooey, but it is a living, especially if you are not physically able to do labour jobs.

my head set hell, for the most part, really isn't that bad. i work with some good people and mostly, i have good callers, regular customers who are kind and know what they want. my F for F is a release, and there is always new material. i will try and put one up once a week.

long winded comment, i guess i ought to have posted this one on my own page....lol. take care and have a nice day, oh by the way, we are expecting wind chill factors to get to -40C tonight. freeze the balls off Frosty, i tell ya.

At 2:05 am , Blogger Karen said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog today, even by accident, and for your comment. :-) You might have found me through Poet??

I cannot stand getting calls from telemarketers but I do have to say it would be horrible having their job, getting so many negative responses.

Have a great day!

At 12:21 pm , Blogger ::Bek Geach:: said...

Why are you so bloody funny??
To make me snort....SOOOO attractive! *grin*
I loves ya.

At 2:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i tell telemarketers that i'm not interested. if they keep going, i say it one more time and immediately hang up. i'm normally not that assertive, though. for some reason it's "safer" on the phone. haha.

At 2:01 pm , Blogger Deb R said...

You're more polite than I am. As soon as I realize it isn't someone I know on the phone I interrupt them (rude maybe, but I do) and say "I'm not interested and I want you to remove me from your comapany's call list" and I hang up. So I don't think you were rude at ALL. :-)

At 8:35 am , Blogger angela said...

Really, really glad you're feeling better. That's such good news.
I changed my number to liste rouge, you know private, because I'm so tough(not) I couldn't be rude to these guys. Now I only have to point out its private and they put the phone down.
Sometimes though I wish my mum hadn't brought me up to be so polite.
Keep up the good work!

At 3:20 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all...lol....and second of all....you were NOT rude honey! I usually avoid answering our home phone...like the plague. I use caller id and my answering machine. If, for some reason, I do pick up, and it is a survey, I stop them dead in their tracks and explain very quickly that now is not a good time. I then say good bye and I hang up. I realize that these people are doing their job, but my time is very precious too. In your case, the woman would not even tell you what the heck she wanted you to spend YOUR PRECIOUS time on. Good grief. This was completely about her and her behavior. It was not you in any way, shape or form.



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