Sunday, March 16, 2008

Friday the 14th marked my number 3's 15th birthday. We bought her a digital camera and she had some friends sleep over it was a good night. She spent the day at the beach today then went back to a friends house for another Birthday get together for him, I had gone through the usual motions about the so called get together as I have been there before with the my older two.The check list: Third degree lol Phone, address, who was going to be there and so on.I was to pick her and her girlfriend up at 10pm she had said honestly that she thought there would be some alcohol there as his mum is allowing him to drink on his Birthday,but we had discussed the drink situation and that is not something I would have had here with a large group of kids,but there was an adult there and so other children's behaviour and there parents level of acceptance towards there kids actions is not my responsibility unless I am directly involved.Guess who became directly involved at about 9.30? No surprise here I was just getting ready to go and was looking for the refedex to double check the location of where I was to pick her up when that phone call came and it was Taylas friend crying asking for me to come early as another girl had thrown a bottle at her and she was unable to find Tayla and she thought the police were coming.A million things went through my head at this point but I was less than 20 mins away and jogging to my car as I told her I was on my way. Then from this point things went from bad to worse My phone ran out of credit, the car had very little fuel in it I couldn't find the refedex only to realise our border had taken it. The Nav Man was in Ben's car so I was driving towards where I knew I had to be but unsure of the exact location.I stopped at the next town bought credit and asked directions 15 mins had passed and I was still unable to reach Tayla on the phone. I followed the directions I was given but they weren't as clear as I had thought and wasted another ten mins until I was finally on track and headed towards my girl. Passing 3 police cars did little for my confidence at that point but pulled into the lit up property with in half an hour.There were no other cars in sight and only a small group of teenagers under the house and no police. I was picturing riots and chaos in the streets,but nothing as frightfull as the scenes that played through my mind on the trip there. Ben had gotten a hold of Tayla on the phone and let her know I was on my way and there. I have jumped out of the car immediately opening the gate and calling her name, I spotted Taylas friend and she ran towards me and fell into my arms crying then Tayla followed not to far behind,there was no huge disturbance as I had once thought and I spotted the Birthday boys mum she was talking to the kids and I just got my girl and her friend in the car then found out what the hell was going on. Her friend was very upset and Tayla was just angry, my sense of relief acutely felt by both girls.Laura had been struck by another girl at the party (not invited) and was very upset and scared that she was going to follow through with more of her threats Tayla angry at every ones stupid behaviour. L didn't know where Tayla was because she was being attended to by the mum and Tayla couldn't find her. They live on acreage and the camp fire was down the back so T was looking for L and L was just beside herself in fear of this girl. It was all very dramatic but Tayla acted responsibly and was trying to call me as I was trying to call her. Both girls are quite happy never to go to another so called get together again for a while and she know understands why kids and alcohol do not mix and also that these get together's get talked about and people do turn up un invited and that is how problems start she is also glad she didnt lie to go because she would have no chance of getting out of that predicament except to fess up.I am very lucky with my kids and I am grateful for that she was honest with me from the beginning and so they were able to call when they felt uncomfortable in that situation.It was a good learning curb for her because she has always thought of me as too strict but respected my decisions on her going to party's and what not. She can now see what I mean about good intentions and bad decisions by a few changing the course of something innocent into something getting completely out of control.All way to much for my kid she just didn't get why everyone was so stupid or why they had to fight and how they could turn up uninvited. She is glad that we can talk about it all calmly because L could not tell her mum any of this. All my kids know they can talk to me about anything and their friends included.I have had a few call me at different times at 1 and 2 in the morning stuck some where knowing I would pick them up at anytime.That was a while ago with Dana and Ky but here we go again teenagers are not a smart as they think they are or as invincible.Tayla got a small taste of what can happen and on a very small scale and we are both happy for it to stay that way. In some ways I am glad she seen what can go wrong when kids haven't as many boundaries. I trust her and she knows she can trust me and I value that relationship with my kids but I don't think she will be asking me the next time she gets invited to a not Party but a get together, she is quite happy to just hang with her girls at home. (and so am I)


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