Thursday, August 21, 2008

I always seem to find the words when I am away from the computer, as soon as I sit to spill my guts something stops me an almost invisible block of my thoughts.
Life has been strained to say the least, the fact that I am struggling these days seem so meaningless in the big scheme of things.

My Ben is alive my family is Healthy I am cured and there is food on my table, I feel guilty for not being completely and utterly grateful for the blessings in my life.

Maybe I should re-phrase ..... I am grateful, but I am perturbed, I do feel blessed, but with an overwhelming feeling of despair.

The words, the words I need so desperately just wont flow and yet I feel an unrelenting need for release but I just cant find those damn words. Where the hell are they?

They seem to be lost in a pit of murky water, just as the water begins to clear and the sediment settles another thing just stirs the mud to the surface and I have to start all over again.

So a very wise and wonderful woman said to me start off small with just one thought and push publish, so that's what I am doing writing this thought and then pushing PUBLISH........


At 10:12 pm , Blogger Vanessa said...

i hear you. and, for what it's worth, i'm here for you.

At 1:39 am , Blogger Rainbow dreams said...

So good to see you back, thank you for visiting me. I will reply to your e mail when I make a cup of tea in a few minutes :)
I do know what you mean about words finding themselves when you're not at the computer.
Am pleased you hit publish, I'm sure the words will find you when you're not searching too hard for them, xx

At 1:56 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

they often elude me, too. thanks for showing up at the page anyway. lesson duly noted. :)

At 2:53 am , Blogger Karen said...

Hello Shazzie

It's 2.20am here and I have no idea why I am still up. Just wanted to stop and thank you for your visit. It made my night.

Sorry to hear that things are still not great in your world but here's a little tip about those elusive words. Carry a notebook and pen at all times. I used to write with pen and paper a lot at my pub once, remember that? It helped me get it all down or the bare bones of it anyway while it was fresh in my mind.

Take care special lady and when's that wedding of yours?

At 4:29 am , Blogger Walker said...

The day will come when you will be able to slowly reveal what you want to say.
As we get older there seems to be more on our plates when you think it should be less.
Go figure but the fact that you squeezed something out to publish says you can and will when you are ready

At 7:22 am , Blogger Shaz said...

Nessy, my sweet I do know and it was nice to see you around again. (have missed you)

Katie,Hello sweet I cant wait to read ur email. Dying to catch up on everything hope all is well xx

Hey Ruby Cube? Yes I know you too can be distant with words but I feel so loved when I am back. I hope all is well in your world and will be there soon.

AHhhh Gypsy, missed u huge had to come and see what was up. I too was up untill about 2am and am now off to the gym and its not even 7.30. The big day is on the 27th Sept and counting. I see why people take a year to do this. We only started seriously 4 weeks ago and I am BUSY I rhink it will be ok or I am deluded either way thats the day (I havent even got a dress yet lol) I have lost 10kg in the last 5 weeks gone down at least 2 dress sizes so I have had to wait. Nothing like being organised amongst chaos hey? How layed back are we? lol

Walker my friend my mate who keeps me laughing and gasping ;) missed you heaps wise one xx

At 10:32 am , Blogger awareness said...

Glad you pushed publish! Hurray!!!

Murky always clears.......both in the river and in our thoughts.

any new dance moves you're working on?

At 12:06 pm , Blogger Wanda said...

What a blessing to see you posting.
That was very excellent advice from that wise and wonderful woman.

Even a word or two is good!!

You words will come at just the right time. For now, I'm so happy to hear your voice in words..

Love and Hugs

Thanks for your prayers for J.

At 5:59 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

checking in on you, and understand. so much has gone on of late, takes time to process, let alone blog about. sending HUGZ, as always, poet.

At 3:38 pm , Blogger JP/deb said...

Dear sweet sistah,

Your package came with love and I SO appreciated seeing your handwritten notes. I wish I was there to take some of the stress away.

I'm glad you hit publish and came back to this space ... the words will start flowing.

Sending you love,


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