Intrepid Explorer
These Boots are worn but ready, they may not be comfortable but Il embrace this Journey blisters and all. That's how I feel.
I am on a journey of discovery.
A journey that will go from the inner depths of my spiritual strength.
To the outer perimeter of my faith.
I will prevail in Faith, I will find my inner strength, I will survive the journey.
At the moment there are no ifs no buts just the winding unknown road ahead.
I feel like I'm exploring this road with a blind fold and no map of whats around the next corner.
I am a willing participant though, a faithful servant to the duty of my health and my family.
One more day will mark the beginning of what is in front of me.
I look at my children with hope.
I hope they don't get to scared.
I hope they understand.
I hope they stay positive.
I hope they know how much I adore them.
How I would do anything to make this easier on them.
They don't have a choice in this time of turmoil.
They are just passengers on this journey whether they like it or not.
Things aren't always fair. (they know that)
Things aren't always right in the world. (they know this to)
I hope I have given them the tools to accept and overcome adversity
To be positive in what ever they undertake.
Or whatever is thrown their way.
To embrace life no matter how hard it may seem at the time.
You cant ask for more then to learn from each adventure. (even if you don't conquer it)
I will learn from this and so will they.
You WILL conquer it angel.
You will.
Shaz...I'm pacing in anticipation. You MUST keep in contact with me. Let me know what's going on.
You are strong and God is on your are we.
Many many prayers,
and love,
xox darlene
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