Friday, October 06, 2006

In Loving Memory

Xena our Beautiful Warrior Princess
She was 11 years old when I let my girl slowly drift off to sleep, it has been a year since I said goodbye to my friend of so many years.
She was a Bull Mastiff/Great Dane and one of my babies.
Her patience
Her understanding
Her unconditional love
Pulled me out of some tough times
She was my most trusted confidant
I knew my mood didn't matter to her
I knew my secrets were safe with her I knew I was safe when she was with me.

She loved us with abundant energy
She protected us without hesitation
She was the epitome of a best friend
She was caring, funny, intuitive and just happy when were around her
I miss her deeply, painfully and lovingly.
Everybody thinks they have the Best Dog.
But my friends and strangers alike say they had never met a dog like her.
And shes the only dog Ive ever seen cry after not seeing me for 6 months
( real tears )

I was always taught, be gentle with animals
Love all animals they have feelings too
Don't harm nor hinder as they are defenceless
You will be rewarded if u love and respect them individually
A little goes a long way and a lot is always appreciated
Not surprisingly, I have been rewarded by living by these rules
I still put spiders outside (they eat the insects)
I move our snakes along away from our home (they have their place too)
Cockroaches well not so good but i leave them to Ben (much to his disgust)
I believe in life you get what you give
And never ever give to get
Don't say yes then complain
Don't say no unless its to your own detriment
Smile at strangers even when your unhappy
They could be feeling worse than you
And a smile is free gift that may make someones day a little brighter
I will always be thankful for having Xena in my life
I will always love her and remember her with a joyful Heart
Her big brown eyes will be a permanent tattoo on my heart
And I will cherish her memory untill I see her again


At 12:05 pm , Blogger Darlene said...

Ohhhh what a tribute to a special furry fammily member. And as I write this, I am looking over at my 13 yr old shepherd who is blind, hard of hearing and foggy eyed...but still smiling.

I feel your grief an honor your love on this notible day.

love to you shaz
XOXOXO Darlene

At 10:06 pm , Blogger ::Bek Geach:: said...

This is such a beautiful post Shazz.
I love your insights.
Our cat Paris... was most happy to have us home last night... cuddled into bed with us, purring away.
To have an animal love you with real tears - well I am not surprised Shazz.
You *are* very awesome!!

At 5:18 am , Blogger Darlene said...

I wanted to tell you that I SO MUCH appreciate you and hope you have a wonderful weekend.

btw~ your fuzzy love was a real beauty...a rare beauty indeed!

kiss kiss~ Darlene xoxo


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