Do not mess with this mummas babes...............
After my little off load yesterday I thought I would tell you a little about my time away.
I left Friday afternoon and I am not bi-est. but honestly my nieces are way too cute for words and keep me laughing. I arrived at about 6pm Friday night and put a colour in kels hair we packed her bag and went over routines and talked about how hot she would look and how our baby sister would be spewin at how skinny she now is. lol
A little sisterly rivalry between those two and its a little funny.....well a lot.
Kel went to bed about 11 I suppose and we both had a shit night’s sleep but were up and ready to go by 6.30am. Kel borrowed some of my jewellery to wear and added it to her collection, she was dripping in gold and it wasn’t until we were half way to the airport that she realised she would have to take it all off for the metal detectors. She did but she also kept beeping as its winter here she had on a long sleeve shirt on and forgot to take off my armlet that was up past her elbow, after she beeped so many times they decided she should be randomly tested as a terrorist and checked for bomb materials so it took ages before she was settled and I found it pretty funny.
Saturday after lunch I took the girls for a drive back up the coast to get Uncle Ben and they were very excited, we had a nice night without too much drama and a quiet night.
Taylas friend Olivia came over for the night and Tayla had a party to go to at the Ice Skating Rink at 11am Sunday.
(From her school friends) So all worked out well with the timing and all. I hadn’t had a chance to take Tayla to get a present for her party so that morning I sent her over to the chemist to buy some perfume as all girls loose perfume.
An easy task you say or one would think?
What happened though, was the complete opposite and I am shocked that this has happened.
This is Olivia and Tayla, beautiful young ladies who are respectful, kind and amazing young women. So you will be able to imagine my dismay at the events that followed.
Now I am by nature loud and boisterous happy go lucky and it takes a lot to get me really angry I am one to laugh a lot of things off. I am not rude or generally aggressive unless pushed or unless there is injustice. Then I can turn into quite a scary woman (except for the aunt, but you know im also pathetic in my own defence)
The following event turned me from a timid little kitten into a fiery Tigress with nothing else in mind other than protecting her cubs at all cost.
The walk to the chemist is about 500m I was getting the babies fed and dressed and ready to take Tayla to her party and then Olivia home. We had a good morning and all was going smoothly until the girls walked back in a little distraught and looking a little shocked.
I asked if they were okay and wandered what was going on. Tayla knows how I get about the mistreatment of anyone let alone my own, so she said were fine mum, nothings wrong and then she gave Olivia the LOOK ............
Mmmmm if you are a parent you’ll know the LOOK (The Do not tell mum, LOOK) Olivia and I luckily have a very honest relationship as do Tayla and I. Tayla though really didn’t want to upset me as I am easily aggravated lately with being sick and have run a little low on patience especially for Rude obnoxious people who tend to categorise all teenagers or people into shop lifters, trouble makers, liars and who knows what else and they usually get away with it.
Now for those of you who have read about these two girls here know that they are a special breed of great friends and young ladies.
So anyway they finally spilled the beans on what happened.
Picture these well dressed 14 year old girls being the only two people in the Pharmacy at all, this is not a huge shop and where they were was close to the counter and there were 3 staff on duty to watch 2 young girls testing the perfumes, touching and browsing for the perfect gift, two friends who only spend a little time together these days as there is a lot of distance between them so they are giggling and walking arm in arm deciding on what to buy and enjoying the experience of doing it together.
They had been in this shop for all of 5 mins when a lady of about 50 walked over and abruptly told the girls that if they were not buying anything than to get out of the store.
Now Tayla said she answered her politely and in shock that they were in fact buying something, a birthday gift and were trying to choose which one. The woman raised her voice scowling and told them to hurry up!!!!
Now that was when I have turned a deep shade of rage and instantly felt my blood pressure rise, I continued to question the girls on their behaviour as I am sure that sometimes what they think is acceptable isnt always the case for adults and I am not an idiot and just think my kids are way too perfect, but they assured me they were telling the whole story just as it happened. So I loaded the kids in the car drove to the pharmacy with Tayla protesting rather loudly then begging in fear of what I may do this woman as I was just beside myself and shaking with rage.
She refused to get out of the car but Olivia complied, she was a little scared becuase of Taylas protests but followed closely behind me to the back of the store where the woman and the serving counter was.
The woman in question was serving an elderly lady and a young woman approached and asked if I needed assistance, the older woman looked at me then Olivia and with a hint of recognition by her, the look on my face said it all and I told the young girl politely that I wanted to speak to the other lady, but Thank you, she smiled nervously and went behind the tall counter further back.
The older Woman smiled weakly and said she wouldn’t be a moment but I held my gaze visibly making her uncomfortable and trying to breathe deeply to stay calm. (I wanted to grab this woman by the throat and squeeze and continue to squeeze, but I didn't)
I just took a deep breath proceeded when she was free, to ask her to the other end of the counter out of ear shot of customers, all the while the young lady and the pharmacist were hanging way back just looking a little wary of what was going to happen. They must of seen how badly this woman had treated my girls and I was unimpressed with that also but decided to focus on the person directly involved.I tried not to stammer or shake while I questioned her like a police officer over what the girls had told me, with no emotion or break in my gaze I told her what I was told and believed to be the truth I then gave her time to speak.
She followed through with a nervous defence statement that included saying that they have trouble with: shop lifters, un rully behaviour rude teenagers, people with asthma so spraying the testers are a threat and they were giggling so she decided that they should buy or leave.
I am now seething but I pause to let her continue then when she is done,I proceed how dare you and who do you think you are?
How dare you judge my girls instantly as shop lifters they had no handbags or back packs tight jeans and singlets on, they werent being shifty,(I asked and she said no) where in the hell could they have hidden anything anyway. They were not behaving un-ruly because I asked the opinion of the young girl hiding out back.
Once the woman told her side of the story which was pretty much what I knew but slightly twisted to her advantage the young woman agreed with my version of events (and I dared her to lie with my eyes) she confirmed that the girls were just giggling and smelling the testers.
They definitely were not rude, as I knew they are not those type of girls and any way how can they be rude to anyone if there aren’t any other people around to be rude to the fu*#ing shop was empty and as for the asthma problem, I told her I totally agreed and had problems with scents myself but why in the hell have testers out on display to be sprayed and tested if this in fact was there policy and hello there were no other customers in the store to be affected.
As far as I am aware there is no obligation to buy anything just because you go into a shop.
As far as I know not every 14 year old should be judged, tarred and feathered for a crime they have not committed nor should they be asked to leave a shop just because there teenagers and since when was giggling a crime.
I am and was appalled by this woman’s treatment of my girls and let her know without skipping a beat, she soon stopped trying to fight a loosing battle to which she knew she was wrong about and agreed that she had done the wrong thing and would in the future treat each person who entered her shop with respect and not judge them by age, race or sex. I made sure we were very clear.
I was quite satisfied that she understood how upset I was and how wrong she had been when she apologised sincerely to Olivia with tears in her eyes. I stood my ground and put my grievance across quietly respectfully but very forcefully.
I had trust and faith in my girls telling me the truth and she confirmed my faith and their version of events. I felt a little better upon leaving this woman with her jaw on the ground and hopeing she will consider her authority over children and customers with more respect in the future. I am appalled an adult would use scare tactics and speak to my or any ones children like that for no real reason, making them scared to buy a gift by themselves for god's sake.
I put my arm around Olivia kissed her forehead and said do you think we are done here?
She answered with a smile put her arm around me as we exited the shop with a spring in our step and our heads held high. I asked if she was okay even though I did not swear I did not raise my voice (well maybe a low growl but that was for effect) and I made sure I was very clear on my thoughts. This is a feat when these drugs sometimes make me slur, stumble through sentences and loose my words I even forget what I am saying sometimes, not this time and thank God.
Olivia said that it was the coolest thing that had ever been done for her and she will when she becomes an adult makes sure she stands up for those little injustices that are put upon those who are less equipped to defend themselves. She gave Tayla a blow by blow account of what had transpired and then they high fived and agreed that Tayla should of come in and she was glad I went in and she was proud I was her mum even if I am shameful sometimes and we all cracked up.
I have been walked on a little lately and it felt good to turn a wrong into a right and make someone think about their treatment of others especially young adults. They need to be shown respect to give and learn respect. Older people sometimes think all teenagers are the same well I am sorry this isn't the case and it certainly isn't so of my girls and how dare she judge them in such a manner with no evidence to the contrary.
I am curious would you confront this woman?
Would you just complain? or would just explain that there are just shit people in this world and you need to learn to accept that.
You know which way I swing, but do you feel it was warranted or should it have been left?
I will fill you in on my upcoming wedding this weekend tomorrow.
Peace and Health To All
Love and Hugs...................................Cheers to our youth and giving respect to others.
PS I really wish I knew more about computers because I dont know why my side thingy is way down the bottom and I still cant put my friends at the side, UgHh or a profile picture. I am truly computer useless.
Oh Shaz...what a wonderful story with a satisfactory ending. I'm old enough to be your mother, but I would be such a proud daughter to have you for my mum. Too many mom's don't stand up for their kids!! Yeah to you Shaz Yeah!!!
Whooo Hoooo! Yeah to you! I am very proud of you for doing what you did! Great going!!!! (hugs)
This comment has been removed by the author.
That was me that deleted the comment I was working on someones template.
I have been there on a couple of occations.
I would have and have done what you did.
She had no right to treat the girls like shop lifter.
What hurry up and spend your money then get out pfffffft I would have been really colorful with the language.
You kept it undercpontrol and stuck it in her facew.
I have airport security and the random BS hmmm I got strip searched in Sydney.
It wouldn't have been so bad if it would have been women.
The found my BIC lighter and confiscated it but missed the matches like they always do.
There is a airport security guy out there who must have a million disposable lighters at home.
Have a nice day
Thats my girl, WAY TO GO SHAZZA. Yes us Mums are quite ferocious when our young are threatened. What would I have done? Easy....been there done that but not quite as graciously and serenely as you I'm afraid.
I wouldn't have ushered her off to the side for one thing nor would I have been as controlled in my assessment of her behaviour. I wouldn't have resorted to bad language, well maybe the odd BITCH, but I would have had steam coming out of my ears. Her ears would have been bleeding from the onslaught of what I had to say. I might come across as a nice person but do something to my kids and I'm a little spitfire.
Well done to you for taking the high road. You set a good example for both girls and they will remember that always and handle life in the same dignified way you do.
PS I would have left the girls in the car knowing how I would have carried on and they would have refused to come in with me anyway. I'm always embarrassing them, usually by singing loudly in the shops, not by yelling at idiot shop assistants.
The reason I pulled her aside was because she was serving an elderly lady and out of respect for her I wasnt sure if I would be able to contain my anger.
I didnt want to distress asnyone other than the b*#ch herself. I would have a few years back pulled her over the counter by her throat and screamed obsenities but then that would have made me just as uncooth as her so I am proud that I was able to put her in her place without smackin it into her. lol
And Tayla didnt come in she thought id loose it but olivia just did as she was told ;)
I would have done exactly what you did -- BRAVO dear Shaz!! Hey, if you need help fixing the blog, Lance and I can get it set up for you!! Cheers & love, deb
You're so much better than me!
Her ears would STILL be bleeding with what I unleashed! I would have controlled my obscenities out of respect for the elderly woman, but .... well, I'm rather loud.
Even in 'normal' speaking tones.
My voice is loud, and can be quite obnoxious.
I'm not happy about it, in fact i've always disliked my 'normal' tendency to be loud. I try very hard to control it.
However, where my kids are concerned? Nope. No control whatsoever! lol
Way to go, you did the right thing.
Way to go indeed! jaime's always the one to stand up for stuff in our family and whereas I'm often too afraid to 'make a scene'. You've made me think about that, thanks :)
Shaz, I think it's amazing that you've been taking care of your sisters youngsters as well as your own... and yourself! Get some rest too, won't you?!
Love ya,
it was too much to read at this time but............
I will get there.......
You really as beautiful as people say???????
Wow, I'm impressed. I use to be (not so much anymore) really aggressive with people when it came to someone bullying someone else. You handled yourself so well, very subtly
Babes... I am SO PROUD of you!! You rock.
I would have done the same, only not had the mind to remind myself not to stutter or yell and look like a total nutter *smile*
Just checking in quickly as we have the use of a laptop here at our hotel in Florence.
I have caught up a little on your blog... I am sorry you had been so sick... and glad you are feeling much better.
Love and Hugs
Missing you dearly... MUCH!
Allow me to answer Whitesnakes question Shaz. Yes she is every bit as beautiful as people say, and then some. Sorry Shaz, you may have your blog back
GOOD ON YA, SHAZZ!!! seriously and completely!
as to your question - when it's been just me, no. i haven't confronted or complained (i'm short and at counters, i used to often get ignored). however, if this happens to one of my children, i do believe i'd do as you did. i only can hope that either a) it never happens and i don't have to worry about it or b) that i am able to do it just as you did!!
Great story........and way toooooo go! I too would've done the same thing, though I KNOW my Martha would've sat in the car cringing and waiting for me to return. She has the temperment of her Dad....quiet and avoids that type of confrontation, but also knows I will stick up for her when it's warranted.
I had to do this once over a situation with her friend who is and was a big bully. this girl's mom is a friend of mine, so for a long time, I tried to "coach" her to help her stick up for herself. One day, it went too far and I decided it was time to confront this girl's mom. It was very difficult because the mom (my friend) was not receptive to feedback about her daughter (hence the BIG problem). No matter, what was more important was that Martha was aware that I would always support her.
good for you.......!!
hope your feeling alright Shaz....thinking of you.....
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