Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Specialist Day...................

What does looking into my eyes say to you?

I hope it says Thankyou and I hope it says I am appreciative of your support.
I hope it shows you my determination, courage, Love and faith.

The doctor is keeping an eye on me. Blah Blah Blahhhh
My white cell count has dropped a little lower.
I refuse to have it go any lower.
I refuse to let that have any bearing on my progress.
I refuse to be any sicker than I have been.
I just have to be really aware of infection and staying well (I can do this)
I am juicing and eating better, walking and also resting and listening to my body as best I can.
I am going to get better this will not be my only battle it is just the first stage of a longer healthier life.
I cant ask for more than that, it could be worse, much worse. I am happy that there has been no hospital stays or major resistance so that is good.
I am a little better today than I have been so things are looking up as far as I'm concerned.
I am in for the long haul and I believe I will beat this.
My vege garden is powering my herbs sprouting new shoots and the smell as I water them first thing in the morning is heavenly. I have not been out there the last few days but today has me up and out of bed tending to the needs of what falls behind when I am not well.
I haven't got our new puppy yet we are undecided on which one to get, as Bella is a purebred we are being selective in a male counterpart. The hardest thing was deciding on getting one so as far as I'm concerned I believe now he will come to us when its time. I am looking but I am very fussy. I have always had animals that die of old age so they are with us as a family for a very long time so I choose with that in mind.
I hope this finds you well and thanks for the support as always I am in awe of your generous nature and it touches me deeply. I honestly don't know how I would of stayed so positive without your love and prayers.
That Your Prayers May Not Be Hindered
"But if we [really] are living and walking in the Light as He [Himself] is inthe Light, we have [true, unbroken] fellowship with one another"
(1 John 1:7, Amp)


At 12:19 am , Blogger Kristen said...

i'm sending positivities to you as well!! the picture of your eye is stunning! i love the color.

At 1:04 am , Blogger Mindy said...

your soulful eyes arespeaking loud and clear...stay well lovely one! xo, mindy

At 3:05 am , Blogger Claire said...

Sending love and prayers, hon.


At 7:45 am , Blogger Vanessa said...

ah, the eyes! the beautiful eyes!
I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling a little better. your strength is amazing. I love to imagine you savouring the smell of the herbs growing in your garden! the other day I roasted some veggies with a drop of olive oil, a dash of water and a load of herbs from our garden (sage, parsley, rosemary and chives) and mmm mmm mmm were they good :)
love to you xxx

At 8:43 am , Blogger ::Bek Geach:: said...

I love that photo honey.
REALLY nice.

You are going to be fine my love.

I think of you always and I am alwyas struck by your courage and bravery.

I loves you honey bee.

At 9:02 am , Blogger Walker said...

To me is says " I see you blogging in the nude. EEEEEEEK!!!!!
Teach me to get dressed before i hit the power button.

Yes you are going to get better and keep telling yourself that.

At 9:42 am , Blogger Harmony said...

If attitude and faith count for anything Shaz, you've got this thing licked. What do your eyes tell me? That you are a beautiful, brave woman who deserves a break. Keep your chin up and your eye on the prize.....a wonderful healthy you.

At 12:45 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous eyes. Your eyes say that you are full of love and light. They are warm and beautiful, just like you are. I am sending you healing and love honey.


At 9:08 pm , Blogger Steve said...

I refuse to allow you to face this alone........

At 1:46 am , Blogger JP (mom) said...

You will win this battle! I'm glad that you are tending to yourself and your garden sounds lovely. Wish I was there to help out ... but for now, I am here, in the light with you. In love, peace and health, deb

At 3:04 am , Blogger Wanda said...

What does looking in yours eye say to me?
That I could know you personally, and look into those lovely eyes in person. But since I can't do that...thank you for letting me look into your heart.

Love, hugs, prayers, and smiles.
Always the the verses you conclude with!

At 2:10 pm , Blogger sandy said...

Lots of blessings to you Shaz. You have such a will, such spirit, keep on, keeping on...and you have pretty eyes too..


how fun, a new puppy soon..


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