• noun 1 excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements. 2 the quality of being worthless or futile.
— ORIGIN Latin vanitas, from vanus ‘empty, without substance’
I am a Leo; Astrologically, I am not a huge “Believer” as such.
I do think there are definite characteristics of people born of similar periods in any given year. There are definite coincidences of behavior and I have many friends who follow this closely. I read it just for fun.
In saying, this trait of the Leo is there mane or in my case hair, it is discussed in detail the pride of appearance and so on.
My hair has always been more than just hair. I have always admired beautiful long healthy hair it is just something I notice and appreciate along with teeth, if you look after your hair and nails (I chew them yikes) then you take some pride in yourself and so on. That is a good thing yeh?
I have never been adventurous with my hair, wild cuts and colors and so on, except for once WooPs (who did not love Cyndi Lauper?) Thank god, it used to grow really, quickly.
Nevertheless, let us just say long straight hair was me other than that particular moment giggle. I had a lot of hair, it was thick, and I always felt good with my appearance when my hair was clean and at its best. As my illness has progressed over the years my hair has suffered. It has become more dull, thinner, shorter and weaker.
Now it seems the thought that treatment may not affect my hair any worse than it has already seems to be just a dream. It is now thinning badly. This leaves me with many thoughts and questions about myself.
Am I silly because the thought of loosing all my hair makes me cringe?
Do I have too much so called Pride to shave my head if I require it?
Is it wrong to be thinking of every option to avoid having no hair?
Do I put to much importance in my appearance concerning my hair.
Will others still view me the same way with no hair?
Should I care and should it upset me?
Should I admit to it?
Will Ben still look at me the same way? you know, when we get cozy.
Does this make me Vain?
I would hate to think that I am and I don’t really think I am but is my judgment jaded by what I don’t want to be and again by my own opinion of myself..
On the other hand, is it clear that I put too much emotional value on how I look?
Alternatively, do I care more about other people’s visual opinion of me or my own?
I am blessed for this treatment to be even working and I feel so selfish and ungrateful for my feelings on this subject. I am no Demi Moore that’s for sure.
Maybe if I was I could deal with it but now the thought of loosing my hair is not making me smile.
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that "vanity is the fear of appearing original: it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality"